Immanuel – God with Us! Dec 24th

Questions for December 24 th :

  1. How has God been working in and through you this week? 
  2. What questions were raised for you this morning?
  3. When you Recognize Jesus as Lord who died for you; do you get a clean slate, a do over
    or something else?
  4. While we are living here on earth what does God want our focus to be?
  5. What is the difference between trying to do what God wants and training yourself to be
    Godly? (1 Timothy 4:8-16)
  6. What if we’re not going to heaven but God is coming to earth is the eternal reality….
    Would that raise issues for you?
  7. How can we be praying for you this week?

Immanuel – God with Us! Dec 17th

December 17 th Questions:

  1. How have you experienced Emmanuel God with you this week?
  2. What questions do the Spirit stir in you this week/today?
  3. Scott gave a few examples of God being with people throughout the scripture do others
    come to mind for you?
  4. Does sin separate us from God? If so how?
  5. Why did God want to keep Adam and Eve from returning to and eating from the Tree of
    Life? Punishment or something more?
  6. When Jesus told the woman in Adultery to “Go and sin no more” what was his point?
    Was he commanding her to do something impossible?
  7. How can we be praying for YOU this week?

Immanuel – God with Us! Dec 10

December 10 th Questions:

  1. What questions were raised for you this morning?
  2. What would you say to Scott’s friend whose daughter died?
  3. What beliefs do you hold about original sin?
  4. How important is the idea of Mary being a virgin in your understanding of
  5. The way the gospel is explained by the “Church”, is salvation and reward for right
    theology or truly an unmerited gift from God?
  6. How has God been using you this week?
  7. How can we be praying for you?

Immanuel – God with Us! Dec 3

Questions December 3 rd :

  1. How has God been working in your life this week, how has he been using you?
  2. What Questions were raised for you today, what does the teaching today have you
    wrestling with?
  3. Jewish scholars ask this question, If Isaiah 7:14 is a prophecy of the birth of Jesus why
    was Joseph a man who would have known the scriptures surprised instead of elated that
    he was part of scriptures fulfillment?
  4. King Ahaz said he did not want to test God when God asked him to ask for a sign….Do
    you see asking God for a sign as a test of God? Why or why not?
  5. How does the explanation of Isaiah’s son being the “sign” for King Ahaz sit with you?
  6. Next week we are going to look at Matthew’s use of this promise as an explanation of
    Jesus birth. Does Matthews use of Isaiah 7:14 raise any Questions for you?
  7. How can we be praying for you this week?
    Isaiah 7:14
    Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a
    son, and shall call his name Immanuel.