Genesis Jan 5th

Questions for January 5 th :

  1. How has God asked you to join him this week?
  2. What questions came up for you from the text or teaching today?
  3. When Scott ask the question on why you think God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah
    what were your thoughts?
  4. In Vs 20 the Lord says the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah was so great….. who do
    you think the outcry was coming from?
  5. What are we to learn from Abraham’s pleading with God over the number of righteous in
  6. What do we learn about Lot and about God from this story?
  7. How can we be praying for you this week?

Genesis – Dec. 29th

Questions for December 29 th :

  1. Scott share the following lessons from the creation story; “chasm, rest, enough”, which one
    most spoke to you? Where their other things you learned from the creation story?
  2. How will you integrate these truths/takeaways into your life?
  3. We also saw in Genesis that God’s people where/are nomadic! How does that truth integrate
    into our lives?
  4. The introduction to God’s Story included the lives and stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and
    Joseph. What were your main takeaways from these stories and how will you integrate that into
    your life?
  5. Would you describe the God of Genesis as an angry God or a loving God and why?
  6. Was Egypt a positive place or a negative place for the people of Israel throughout the book of
    Genesis? Why do you say so?
  7.  How might we be praying for you this week?

Christmas – A Road of Adversity – Dec.

  1. 1. How is God used you this week? Where have you seen him working?
  2. 2. What questions were raised for you from the parts of the Christmas story that we read today
  3. 3. What are the things that we learn and can apply to our lives from the Shepherd’s story?
  4. 4. What is God trying to teach us from the Magi story
  5. 5. What do we learn about the kingdom of God from the Christmas story?
  6. 6. What part of the Christmas story speaks the loudest to you and why?
  7. 7. How can we be praying for you this week?