October 13

1. How to did god speak to you today during the viewing of this message?

2. Describe the part prayer place in your life right now? Do you find yourself more involved and magical prayer, 911 prayer, or his prayer nonexistent unless you’re in church?

3. How would you answer this question if someone asked, “what does it take to live in an attitude of prayer? Is it even possible?

4. What did you learn/ understand Scott saying about C.U.D.

5. Share with the group something you and God are working on in your life right now?

6. What is it take away from our discussion and time together today that you not only learned but how do you want to apply it to your life?

7. Share a  prayer request about yourself that the group can pray for today as well as throughout this week

Sept 29 Teaching

  1. Share what God shared with you this morning during this message
  2. Scott spoke about a “mind -shift” in this new model, what are the shifts you are having to make?
  3. Discuss the differences in “Going to Church” and “Being the Church”?
  4. Church is to be a safe place, what is it that makes sharing and vulnerability difficult in church?
  5. Sharing something encouraging to each of the members in your group.
  6. What is something you are taking away from our sharing/discussion this AM that you will be applying to your life?
  7. Share prayer requests and Pray together

Sept 22 Teaching

September 22

  1. Share what God shared with you this morning during this message
  2. The statement Scott ran across “I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understood from their level of perspective” Agree? Disagree? What implication does this have for the church and teaching?
  3. In your understanding how is Biblical Fellowship diff then regular social gatherings?
  4. When we speak of Fellowship having this common preparation of preparing us for what God has for us…..What do you sense God has been preparing you for?  
  5. The common purpose of Fellowship is to prepare us to expand the Kingdom of God.  Thinking about the future and the opportunity to invite people to a group like this, how might we involve new folks yet retain the three essentials of Fellowship? 9 The Common passion for the things of God. Common Preparation for the work of God and Common purpose to Glorify God/expand His Kingdom)
  6. What is something you are taking away from our sharing/discussion this AM that you will be applying to your life?
  7. Share prayer requests and Pray together