September 22
- Share what God shared with you this morning during this message
- The statement Scott ran across “I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understood from their level of perspective” Agree? Disagree? What implication does this have for the church and teaching?
- In your understanding how is Biblical Fellowship diff then regular social gatherings?
- When we speak of Fellowship having this common preparation of preparing us for what God has for us…..What do you sense God has been preparing you for?
- The common purpose of Fellowship is to prepare us to expand the Kingdom of God. Thinking about the future and the opportunity to invite people to a group like this, how might we involve new folks yet retain the three essentials of Fellowship? 9 The Common passion for the things of God. Common Preparation for the work of God and Common purpose to Glorify God/expand His Kingdom)
- What is something you are taking away from our sharing/discussion this AM that you will be applying to your life?
- Share prayer requests and Pray together