Book of Genesis – August 4Book of

​Questions for August 4 – Genesis 33:

1. What have you seen God doing this week? How have you been able to join him?

2. What questions came up for you from the text and or teaching this morning?

3. Do you see any issue with how Jacob arranged his family to meet Esau? 

4. Compare and contrast the actions and emotions of Jacob and Esau when it comes to their meeting?

5. Esau seemed to want to live with his brother. Why do you think Jacob let on like he would be there and then never showed up?

6. Does this chapter shed any light on the present day conflict between Israel and it’senemies?

7. How can we be lifting you up in prayer this week?

Book of Genesis – July 28

Questions July 28 – Genesis 32:

  1. What has God been teaching you this week? How has he been working through you?
  2. What questions were raised by the scripture and or the teaching this week?
  3. In vs 9-12 we have a prayer of Jacob like we have not heard him pray. What is the
    reason for this prayer? Do you see this kind of thing happening in our lives?
  4. Who do you believe the Man was that Jacob wrestled with. What does it mean that the
    man saw that Jacob could not be over-powered?
  5. Why would God ask Jacob his name? What does this teach us about God?
  6. What was the Blessing he received after the wrestling match?
  7. How can we be praying for you this week?

Book of Genesis – July 21

July 21 – Genesis 31

  1. Where have you seen God working in and through you this week?
  2. What questions were raised for you from the teaching and or scripture this morning?
  3. God tells Jacob to go back to the Land of your fathers, why was it important for God to
    have his people in a certain land?
  4. Jacob tells his wife that God spoke to him in a dream, do you believe him? Why or why
  5. What do you think of Leah and Rachels reply in vs. 14-16?
  6. Why do you thin Rachel stole the Household God’s? Why did she lie to her father about
    it? Are there times we do this kind of thing? What does that teach us about ourselves,
    about God, and about our relationship with God?
  7. How can we be lifting you up in prayer this week?

Book of Genesis – July 14

Questions July 14 – Genesis 30:

1. What has God been teaching you this week?  

2. What questions were raised by the text and or teaching this week?

3. In the beginning of Chapter 30 we read that Rachel was Jealous and Jacob became Angry……Often we focus on behavior, we focus on whether it is right or wrong.  Would you say God is more interested in our behavior or our attitude/emotion?

4. We read that Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham to have a heir.  In chapter 30 we read that Rachel and Leah gave their servants to Jacob… this the same thing, or something different? Why do you say so? And, what is the similarity and difference between the birthright story with Jacob and Esau and the Mandrake story with Rachel and Leah?

5. Laban said he learned by “Divination” that the Lord had blessed him.  What does this mean to you? What does this teach us about God?

6. What can we learn from the story of the spotted and streaked Animals?

7. How can we be praying for you this week?

Book of Genesis – July 7

  1. How is God been using you this week? What have you seen him do around you or through you?
  2. What Questions came up from the scripture and teaching this morning?
  3. Jacob is fleeing to Paddan Aram the land of his Eastern people. After all the lying and deception that Jacob has participated in why do you think God continues to use him? 
  4. What do you believe Jacob might’ve been thinking when he saw Rachel and knew she was Laban’s daughter
  5. Why do you think Laban deceived Jacob?
  6. What are two or three truths you believe God is trying to teach us through this story?
  7. How can we be praying for you this week