April 10th- The Questions of Jesus

  1.  1. What has the Lord been teaching you this week and/what did he impress on your heart from the message this morning?
  3. 2. Why do you think Jesus asked the question “how much bread do you have?” as opposed to just telling the disciples to collect the bread they could find?
  5. 3. Why do people use the amount of money or resources we have to determine whether God wants us to do something or not?
  7. 4. Share about a time you had to “Wade in the water” before you saw God provide the resources for his plan.
  8. 5. What question might you ask about todays teaching/scripture 
  10. 6. What are your take-sways from our series on questions?
  11. 7. What can we be praying for you about this week

April 3rd – The Questions of Jesus

  1.  1. What has the Lord been teaching you this week and/what did he impress on your heart from the message this morning?
  3. 2. Share about a time you felt confused about when to help someone and when to say no.
  5. 3. What is different about self care and selfishness? How can others tell the difference 
  7. 4. When might you use the question, “Do you want to get well”?
  9. 5. Have you ever”shock the dust from you feet” and moved on? When do you know it’s time?
  11. 6. What was the paralyze man’s sin?
  13. 7. What can we be praying for you about this week

March 27th – The Questions of Jesus

  1.  1. What has the Lord been teaching you this week and/what did he impress on your heart from the message this morning?
  3. 2. What compels us to give people answers about their pain rather then sit in that space with them?
  5. 3. What is the importance of emotional intelligence in connecting with people?
  7. 4. In Luke 7:41-43 Jesus told a parable to Simon; what is your personal take away from the parable?
  9. 5. Is delaying your agenda and listen to understand difficult or easy for you? What makes it so?
  11. 6. What did Jesus want Simon to “see” about this woman?
  13. 7. What can we be praying for you about this week

March 20th – The Questions of Jesus

Questions of Jesus – March 20th– Questions

  1. What else has God been teaching you this week or what does he have you thinking about from today’s message?
  2. Most believers would say they have “found what they are looking for” What did it take in your life to realize you are missing something?
  3. The Russian Rabbi wanted to be asked two questions every day; Who are you? And What are you looking for? If you were to answer those questions today, what might you say?
  4. Why do you think Jesus asked the questions, “What are you looking for?” or “Who are you looking for?”, so often?
  5. What are your thoughts on the Quaker practice of a Clearness Committee? What might you bring to that committee today?
  6. How might you anticipate using open ended questions with family and/or friends?
  7. How can we be lifting You up in Prayer this week?

March 13th – The Questions of Jesus

  1. 1.  What has the Lord been teaching you this week and/what did he impress on your heArt from the message this morning?
  2. 2. Have you had any opportunities this week to use questions?
  3. 3. When you read the scripture from this morning Mark 14:1-9; what questions would you ask about the text?
  4. 4. What can we learn from the woman who anointed Jesus?
  5. 5. What tone do you think Jesus used when he asked, “Why are you bothering her?”
  6. 6. What might we learn from this question of Jesus
  7. 7. What can we be praying for you about this week7.