November 15

Exodus 21-23 Discussion Questions:

  1. What did God stir in your heart this week or this morning?
  2. What is the role/purpose of the Law in the life of a Christ Follower?
  3. We saw that God is concerned with the plight of the powerless. As believers how are we to have the greatest impact in this area? Vote for the Governmental candidates that care most about this, Work as a church community to make an impact or be involved personally in these endeavors?
  4. God asked the Israelites to leave the edges of their fields unharvested so the less fortunate might gather crops for themselves. What might God be teaching us with these instructions?
  5. What situations has God called you to bring Justice too?
  6. Outside of Christmas and Easter what days on your calendar are important to you families Spiritual Journey. What days might you want to add?
  7. What might we be praying for you and with you this week?

October 25

October 25, Exodus 15-18

  1. Where have you seen God at work this week?
  2. What did God stir in your heart as you listened to the message this morning?
  3. How do you define the words Trust and Obey?  Does one precede the other, is one dependent on the other?
  4. Share your thoughts on Scott’s Statement Trust is given not earned?
  5. What is the lesson for us today in God’s direction about the collecting of Mana each day?
  6. When was the last time you felt you were in a wilderness? What did God teach you during that time?
  7. What prayer concerns do you have this week?

October 18

Sunday October 18, Exodus 14-15

How have you noticed God at work this week?

  1. Where have you seen God at work this week?
  2. What did God stir in your heart as you listened to the message this morning?
  3. What would you say is your greatest fear?
  4. Proverbs 9:10 Teaches that FEAR of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, how have you experienced this truth?
  5. What is the difference in behavior between fearing the Lord and being afraid of the circumstances you are in?
  6. The Bible says to Trust in the Lord with ALL of your heart. Tell us about a time when you took matters in your own hands because trusting God got scary.
  7. What Prayer concerns do you have this week?