Questions for August 22, 2021
- What has God been teaching you this week or what does he have you thinking about from today’s message?
- Do you find it easier to give help to others or receive help from others? Why?
- Scott mentioned three ways we relate to others, Selfish, I’m going to use you to get what I want; Codependent, I’m going to Love you to get what I want and Self Care. What is the difference of Selfishness and Self Care?
- Scott Stated that the Church is a Breeding ground for Co-dependency! Agree or disagree and why?
- Why is the second command why is the AS YOURSELF words adding to Love your neighbor. Why is “as yourself” Important in the command?
- What kind of plan do you have for Self-Care? What is something you need in the next six months to be the best version of you!
- How can we be lifting you up in prayer this week?