Freshstart Church – January 26 Teaching

January 26th , 2020 – Romans 12:2 (NLT)

1.  What did God stir in you as you watched the Video today?

2.  If Jesus returned to earth what do you think He might say about the church today? (not FreshStart specifically but the church in America)

3. In Romans chapter 12 we are encouraged to be transformed not conformed, share an example that illustrates the difference.

4. Selfishness is using someone to get what we want.  Peter was doing that with Jesus in Mark 8 when he told Jesus to stop talking about his death. Jesus called Peter Satan for Peter was putting his plan above God’s Plan. When are the times that we get our plans ahead of God’s Plan?

5.Hebrews 10:25 tells us to not forsake meeting together.  What do you think the writer to the Hebrews means by that?

6. What might look different in your life if you made Discipleship a priority/goal in 2020? Share that with the group?

7. Share something with the group they can pray for this week and share in a time of prayer before you leave today.