Questions for October 27 th :
1. What has God been doing in your life and showing you this week?
2. What questions arose for you from the teaching and the scripture today?
3. Jacob/Israel offers a sacrifice at Beersheba, what is important about this.
4. In Jacob’s vision he heard God say, “I will go down to Egypt with you
and I will surely bring you back” What do we learn about God’s
promises from these words to Jacob? How might this affect our lives?
5. Pharaoh told Joseph to bring his father and family and everything would
be provided for them, but Jacob came with all of his stuff…. what might
we glean from this part of the story?
6. The Israelites were given the land of Goshen to live one of the most
fertile parts of Egypt…. what might we glean from this part of the story
about God and our relationship with him?
7. How can we be praying for you this week?