Book of Genes – August 18

Questions for August 18 – Genesis 35:
1. Where have you seen God working this week? How has he been using you?
2. What questions came up for you from the text and or teaching this week.
3. Jacob asks the people to get rid of the “foreign gods”, does this denote a change in
Jacob’s attitude? What caused the change?
4. What do you see as the importance of God changing Jacob’s name. If the name
means one that struggles or wrestles with God is this a complement or something
5. Think that this chapter ends with the death of Isaac it means that when the blessing
was stolen he was at least 25 plus years younger, but the scripture said he was near
death. What do you think is going on here?
6. What are three take-aways from this chapter for you?
7. How can we be praying for you this week?