January 10

Questions for January 10, 2021

  1. What has God been teaching you this week and or what did he empress upon your heart this morning?
  2. In Matthew 7 Jesus spoke about Good Fruit and Bad fruit, in your mind what is the difference between the two?
  3. Spiritual business seems to be a frequent trap for God’s people, why is it so difficult to see a difference between spiritual business and fruit?
  4. A Christ Follower you are fruit of someone’s labor, tell the story of the person/persons who was responsible for baring you as fruit?
  5. What was one of the most “Fruitful times of your life” and what kind of fruit was being produced?
  6. How can we best come along side a “branch” that is not bearing fruit?
  7. How can we be lifting you up in prayer this week?