September 20

Exodus 1-2 Discussion Questions:

  1. What did God stir in your heart this week or this morning?
  2. Scott made the statement, “When you become comfortable where God does not want you to be you become a Slave/in-bondage.  Where has that been true in your life?
  3. When has Freedom been scarier than Bondage for you, “Where you wanted to go back to Egypt”
  4. When the Israelites where oppressed by the Egyptians they multiplied. Where in your life have you seen oppression bring multiplication?
  5. When does your dual citizenship become most evident to you? When have you had to take a stand in your Kingdom citizenship against the World?
  6. God’s people cried out for Freedom and God raised up Moses. 80 years later Moses confronts Pharaoh about letting the people go. GOD IS NEVER IN A HURRY! What would God’s purposes be in lingering, taking time, etc.  Where do you sense God Lingering in hearing your cry for freedom?
  7. What prayer concerns do you have this week?

Exodus 1-2 Discussion Questions:

  1. What did God stir in your heart this week or this morning?
  2. Scott made the statement, “When you become comfortable where God does not want you to be you become a Slave/in-bondage.  Where has that been true in your life?
  3. When has Freedom been scarier than Bondage for you, “Where you wanted to go back to Egypt”
  4. When the Israelites where oppressed by the Egyptians they multiplied. Where in your life have you seen oppression bring multiplication?
  5. When does your dual citizenship become most evident to you? When have you had to take a stand in your Kingdom citizenship against the World?
  6. God’s people cried out for Freedom and God raised up Moses. 80 years later Moses confronts Pharaoh about letting the people go. GOD IS NEVER IN A HURRY! What would God’s purposes be in lingering, taking time, etc.  Where do you sense God Lingering in hearing your cry for freedom?
  7. What prayer concerns do you have this week?