July 26


Colossians 1:24-29 – Discussion Questions:

  1. Scott mentioned this might be a difficult message to hear, what was the toughest part for you to listen to?
  2. What have you learned in your life about suffering?
  3. In what ways does suffering help the church?
  4. Where does God want you to bring His presence (Christ in you the Hope of Glory) this week?
  5. This life is momentary, what makes us hold on to it so tightly?
  6. Admonishing means to warn or reprimand; Teaching means to instruct through example.  We are to do these two things with all Wisdom toward the goal of leading people to be fully mature in Christ. What should those two things (Admonishing and Teaching) look like in the church?
  7. What prayer concerns can you share with us this week?