May 3

Habakkuk 3 – May 3 – Discussion Questions:

  1. Where have you noticed God at work this week?
  2. What did God stir in your heart as you listened this morning?
  3. When is a time that you sat in AWE without understanding? What did that feel like? 
  4. We discussed Faith last week but today Scott spoke about exchanging Fear for Faith.  What opportunity did God give you this week to use the “muscle” of Faith?
  5. How might God be asking you to partner with Him currently?
  6. The Scripture teaches in 1 Peter 4:17, “That Judgement begins in the house of the Lord.  Why do you think God admonishes us in that way and what might that look like if it was practiced in a healthy way?
  7. Thinking about the week to come, what are some of your thoughts, needs, hopes and prayer requests?