November 28

  1. 1. What has God been teaching you this week or what did He empress upon your heart during the message this morning?
  2. 2. Tradition…. Good thing or bad thing? Why do you say so?
  3. 3. What are some meaningful traditions in your spiritual growth?
  4. 4. How would you state God’s original truth of Christmas?
  5. 5. What truths at Christmas are important to pass on to the next generation?
  6. 6. What challenges do we face today in delivering these truths?
  7. 7. How can we be supporting each other in prayer?

November 21

Questions for November 21, 2021

  1. What has God been teaching you this week or what does he have you thinking about from today’s message?
  2. Jesus’ willingness to go to the house of a Pharisees, what should we take away from this for our lives?
  3. What is the difference practically to Inviting Jesus and serving Jesus?
  4. Many Christians have a hard time receiving help or acts of kindness from others though we have no problem giving them. What can we learn from Jesus in this story?
  5. Where is the sin of comparison the most difficult for you?
  6. What opportunities has God give you lately that you are the most thankful for?
  7. How can we be lifting you up in prayer this week?


November 14th

Questions for November 14, 2021

  1. What has God been teaching you this week or what does he have you thinking about from today’s message?
  2. What would you see as modern-day Leprosy? (That which causes people to seek to be alone and live-in hidden shame?)
  3. When the one man returned, why do you think Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed?”
  4. The Kingdom Life is about living in the community of faith, American Religion seems to individualize faith, why do you think this might be?
  5. How do you understand Jesus words, “Your Faith has made you well.”
  6. One Leper returned to say thanks, what did this cost him?
  7. How can we be lifting you up in prayer this week?

November 7th

Questions for November 7, 2021

  1. What has God been teaching you this week or what does he have you thinking about from today’s message?
  2. What is the difference between looking at the scripture through Kingdom Glass then small c Church Glasses or Religious glasses?
  3. If the goal of this life is to be USEFUL, how can you help someone move from uselessness to useful?
  4. Why is our culture so concerned about finding fault or blame? What does God desire instead?
  5. What changes when you view God’s blessing as Opportunity rather then Stuff? What is the purpose of stuff in this new way of looking at Blessing?
  6. Scott shared that “Only God can be Generous since everything is His” Agree or disagree and why. What does it teach us about God when he calls us to be generous?
  7. How can we be lifting you up in prayer this week?

October 31st

Questions for October 31, 2021

  1. What has God been teaching you this week or what does he have you thinking about from today’s message?
  2. Matthew 11:28-30 from the paraphrase The Message reads:

             “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

            What part or parts of these verses does the Spirit use to teach you, or get you to ponder?

  1. Scott said the message of Jesus does not belong to the Christian Religion but the Kingdom of God. Agree or disagree; what makes that statement difficult to embrace?
  2. What do you think happened at Zacchaeus house that caused him to be so influenced by Jesus?
  3. What would be different in a person’s life who stives for usefulness instead of happiness?
  4. What do you take away from C.S. Lewis’ Quote?
  5. How can we be lifting you up in prayer this week?