Please Prayer For List

Prayer List


  1. Scott W,  Guidance  to hear God’s guidance for others New business opportunity  Equine Therapy training August 13th.  Guidance for working with clients. Appt. 9-5 with MRI and follow up with Dr on 08/21.Weds. 07/24 appt with company to discuss future.
  3. Sunday – Granddaughter of Welch’s – made it through first call for Annie for National Tour

Betty Ann Welch – Mental health, Neck palsy

Schools, teachers, staff, faculty students – safety in schools

Jeff- addiction to alcohol, depression, finding new self

Gene – neighbor of Dan & Margie – Peace

Eric & Laura – relationship

Peggy Yager stage 4 lung Cancer/brain recovery, Migraines

Michael Reidelbach – Kathleen’s brother  Parkinson’s disease

Stephen Lamb – Congestive Heart Failure treatment 

Bill & Rendi Elliot –  grave health concerns,  pray that both accept needed help 

Patti Roller – Atrial fib diagnosis, daughter’s marriage 

Elizabeth – Friend of Bud & Bobbie – recovering at Rehab for bad fall.

Sam Mike – new work schedule

Kelly  Health and permanent place to rehabilitate

Julian – Schizophrenia 

Stephanie – Colonoscopy July 18th.

Jeff Reynolds – Sell their boat. Bee business

People in Israel/Iran

Margie Ratcliff- getting used to the treatment from the clinical trial for a nebulizer for a year to combat  immunoglobulin suppressed fighting non tuberculosis micro bacteria in lungs. Side effects from breathing apparatus Regional upper management looking at Care Giving duties at work. 

Terry & Family – sister of Jay Walsh -mental health crisis

Scott Lamb Low Red blood cells, appt. with endocrinologist Mon., July 22nd

Peggy Sills – work/life balance. Overwhelmed with daily responsibilities.  Peggy’s Father &  Jean, Stepmother both have Covid.  Jean in hospital, has dementia.  Guidance to where to place Jean after discharge from hospital. 

Eddie Sills – Esophageal constriction. Swallowing problem.  Appt with Dr. 08/02/24

Katelyn Sills – making decision whether to move to Seattle with existing company

Travis – slow down to focus on Grace

Ken – neighbor to Jerri & Jay – recovery from lung biopsy

Jay Walsh’s family members going through marital counseling.

Koelsch & Stasis families – birth of child – Jullian

Chris – friend of Jerri Walsh – Thyroid Surgery 

Carly – friend of Jerri Walsh – serious cancer diagnosis – peace with decisions, pain control 

Jeff Coker – battling cancer

Karen Reynolds parents – moved into new home in Melrose Fl., father to find volunteer position to keep him active  

Cindy – Jenn Welch’s sister – possible Sarcoidosis instead of cancer.

Scott’s friend’s Son – abuse.

Robyn Kearns – friend of Kathleen’s heart procedure

Geoff Deuel – recovery from fractured ankle

Anna Marie – Jerri Walsh’s Mom  PRAISE doing well at home receiving home health for dizziness. 

CEO and family 

Jim Larsen – Supraventricular Tachycardia –

Children who become runaways

Karen – direction for new position at work –

Jerri – Leaving one team at work to engage with new position.

Marina – Recommendations made for her health by Dr. Ben, an immunology & rheumatologist.

Dan Ratcliff & Don – in  Pa. to help with condo restorations

Chris – death of child

President Trump – attempted assassination.  

USA – God turn it around, turn it around.

Jenn Welch – that IVIG  infusions be approved for her health, completely exhausted has appt. Thursday, July 25th.

Al Stackhouse – Jay Walsh’s friend – sudden loss of 54 yr old daughter




