Questions for Love Series – Part 1
- What opportunities did God give you this week? What has he been teaching you?
- What did God speak to your heart this morning as we focused on AGAPE Love?
- When it comes to the Characteristics of AGAPE love shared in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 which do you find the most difficult? Why do you think that is?
- What lessons speak loudest to you in Jesus story of the Prodigal Son? How are you like this son? The older Son?
- Where do you have opportunity to show this AGAPE, “In spite of” Love?
- What is the difference between showing Agape Love and being a doormat (being taken advantage of) or co-dependent?
Questions for Love Series – Part 2
- What is your favorite Valentine memory?
- What has God been teaching you this week or have you thinking about in the message this week?
- A similar question to last week, how do we embrace the teaching of Philippians 2:3-4 without embracing a co-dependent lifestyle.
- what are ways that you have been s how kindness and Admiration by your spouse, or a friend?
- What are some ways we can see to add value, or enhance our spouse’s life?
- How would you say Agape Love, “in spite of love” and Eros Love, “because of Love” relate to each other?
Questions for February 21, 2021
- What opportunities did God give you this week? What has God been teaching you this week or this morning through the message?
- Scott Shared about his Friendship with his friend Scott. Would you say that these types of Deep friendships are hard to find/develop or they happen a lot?
- Interesting that Phileo means “Brotherly Love” yet many say that women have deeper friendships then men. Do you agree with this why or why not?
- What are your thoughts on Jesus exchange with Peter? Especially with Jesus asking if Peter Agape’s him and Peter says yes, I Phileo you?
- Practically speaking what would be the difference between someone you have an Agape relationship with and someone you have a Phileo relationship with?
- True or False believes are ALWAYS called to AGAPE others?
Questions for February 28, 2021
- What has God been sharing with you this week? What take always do you have from the message?
- What is a time that you felt incredible love from your family?
- Scott mentioned it seems like the “natural Love” in our society is being lost, why is this? What can we do about it?
- In Acts 2:44-47 we read about the Love of the believers for each other, as a natural love. What examples can we share of the church reflecting this kind of love today?
- Scott Shared 6 ways to express Storge Love in our families, which are the easiest for you and which are more difficult? Why is that?
- What will you take away from this series that will impact and change the way you choose to Love?
- How can we be lifting you up in prayer this week?