November 17 – TEACHING

  1. What did God stir in you as you watched the Video today?
  2. In the Video Devon spoke of Anxiety in his life….What makes you anxious in life?
  3. Dr. Les Parrott speaks about “perceptual set”  In the picture he showed did you see the young woman or the old woman first….why do you think that is?
  4. React to the statement, “Loving like Jesus requires that you see what others do not”
  5. Is there a situation in your life that God is calling you to love like Jesus?
  6. What is the main takeaway for you from today’s teaching and or discussion and how will you apply it to your life this week?
  7. Share something the group can pray this week for you and pray together. 

November 10 – TEACHING

  1. What did God stir in you as you watched the Video this morning?
  2. Where have you seen the progression of sin in your life or in the world around you…Walk, Stand, Sit!
  3. The Righteous person hungers for the Word of God the Psalmist says.  How would you describe your hunger?  What is the biggest challenge you face when seeking to spend time in the Word of God?!
  4. There are many times in my life when I feel like “Chaff” I feel like I am being blown all over the place by circumstances, pressure and drama.  Does this mean I am walking a path that is ungodly, wicked?
  5. The psalmist says that God watches over the way of the righteous.  Where have you felt God watching over your way?
  6. What is the main take away for you from today’s teaching and or discussion and how will you apply it to your life?
  7. Share something the group can pray this week for you and pray together.

October 27 – TEACHING

October 27th

  1. What did God stir in you as you watched the Video this morning?
  2. When you watched the video about the children in Kenya what caught your attention?
  3. We are called to donate to a lot of causes.  How do you decide what to donate to?  Do you have a plan or is it a random decision as your heart is tugged?
  4. How would you define the difference between a donation and total surrender? 
  5. How might we surrender ourselves as a church to support, encourage and help Eric and Laura in their new ministry?
  6. What is the main take away for you from today’s teaching and or discussion and how will you apply it to your life?
  7. Share something the group can pray this week for you and pray together. 

October 20 – Teaching

1. What did God stir in you watching this teaching today?

2 .What does remaining in Jesus look like to you?

3. Is “remaining” in Jesus difficult or easy for you? Why do you say this?
How well do you “remain” each day?

4. What is Jesus trying to say when he says “ask for whatever you wish and it will be done for you?

5. How would you teach someone else a neighbor, or your son or daughter, to “remain?”

6. What are the takeaways from the discussion for you today? How will you Integrate them into your life this week?

7. Share a prayer request with each other and pray for them together.

October 13

1. How to did god speak to you today during the viewing of this message?

2. Describe the part prayer place in your life right now? Do you find yourself more involved and magical prayer, 911 prayer, or his prayer nonexistent unless you’re in church?

3. How would you answer this question if someone asked, “what does it take to live in an attitude of prayer? Is it even possible?

4. What did you learn/ understand Scott saying about C.U.D.

5. Share with the group something you and God are working on in your life right now?

6. What is it take away from our discussion and time together today that you not only learned but how do you want to apply it to your life?

7. Share a  prayer request about yourself that the group can pray for today as well as throughout this week